Day 10 Position 15:06.53N 32:42.19W

Tue 2 Dec 2008 12:05
A very frustrating day... The Trade winds which are
normally constant from this time of year have vanished - instead we are
wallowing in 30 degress heat - the new way of keeping cool is to stand in a
bucket of water whilst helming! The occasional treat is to empty it over your
head! Fruit Squash ice cubes are the new currency out here.
Yesterday we got a few tangles in the headsail rig
and had to send Calum out on the pole to free a sheet. Tricky job which was well
Simon is challenging everyone at Backgammon (
but... he beats everyone! - and will shortly run out of contestants
We have motored for 14 hours in the last 24 and
made a miserable 151mile 24 hour run.
The highlight of the day was
catching a 4 foot, 10 kilo, Barracuda -
Barry (the Barracuda) took our Tuna line - bad Barry! He is now serving time in
the freezer as Steak cuts.
Supper was already committed however, and we all
tucked into a traditional Roast Chicken and Roasted Potaoes carrots and
peas and gravy... Jen approved!
Jen is mother today - and already has the gallery
clean and shiney - she is cooking sausage and mash for lunch...