ARC Day 14

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Sat 4 Dec 2010 20:43
Saturday 04/12/10
Midday position 13:13.7N 32:51.7W
Noon - noon run: 88 NM
Plan +24 Hrs: continue on great circle route to St Lucia 1638 NM
Another frustratingly slow day with the trade winds still alluding us.  Although signs of their imminent appearance have begun, with the wind generally coming from the north east and starting to build.  The north east winds have allowed us to spend the day sailing in a direct line to St Lucia, something very rare in the sailing world!
The biggest excitement today was crossing the imaginary line which divides the Oscar and November weather forecast areas.  Tomorrow is set to be equally climatic with another imaginary line likely to be crossed, 35 degrees west, meaning the clocks will go back another hour.
The hours were mostly passed today with experiments.  Experiment One was to cool the cabin temperature back to bearable levels.  The best combination of hatch openings was found to improve cabin ventilation using as much fluid dynamics theory as possible, reinforced with a suitable amount of trial and error.  A make-shift tent was also constructed over the sunny side of the boat, hours of entertainment.  Experiment Two was to make sea water drinkable (to pass the time only, not due to lack of drinking water on board!).  Alastair bravely made solar still beta version, containing a bucket, bowl of sea water and cling film.  The aparatus was left in the sun most of the day.  Al's eyes lit up after his afternoon nap when he saw a decent amount of water in the theoretical 'fresh water section'.  A taste test revealed it was in fact the results of the boat rocking during the day and splashing sea water from the bowl!  A very good effort none the less.
More fun tomorrow.
Ross, Al, Al, Paul, Will