A gruellng few hours left!

Sun 18 Jun 2017 09:42

Position: 36:22N 006:43W
COG: 090
Trip: 2982
DTD: 77

Morning readers! 1030 here and our last day hopefully! Soooo...progress has been slow and hard this last 24 hours and the weather really isn't doing us any favours. Traffic has got busy too with lots of cargo and tankers through the night. We've had variable winds and swell from different directions which has really slowed the pace. Right now we've altered course and are motoring East with no sails towards Cadiz to try and get some shelter from the mainland as we've got 28 knots of ESE wind on the nose with big swell that is causing the boat to really slam hard if we head any further south. We tried sailing it but to no avail as the swell is coming south of the wind causing the boat to slam just as much until we end up on a course towards Morocco and out into the main channel where we will undoubtedly encounter more traffic and bigger swell. Hopefully it will ease off the closer we get to land and then we can track it round but at the moment its just getting bigger and more uncomfortable.

So we've got 77 miles to go....hopefully that means we should be in Gib around 9pm all being well or maybe a bit sooner if these dogturd conditions improve. I fully intend to make last orders and will be doing my upmost to ensure that happens!

So back to it!! and a nice pick of the sunset last night while we were moving alond nicely for a brief moment.

Shalan out