Heading into our third night

Sat 27 May 2017 00:21
Position update 23:54N 063:15W
DTD: 511 miles
Trip: 433 miles

So the wind dropped for a couple of hours and then came back blowing a steady 11-12 knots SE which is great considering we thought we would be motoring most of the day. We unfurled the code 0 and have been moving along nicely at a steady 8-9 knots. The wind has just increased to 14 knots and we're moving along at 9-10 knots now.

The only major disappointment of the day is the fishing...still nothing! Despite multiple lure changes nothing has taken their fancy today. They must be fussy buggers in these waters.

Karin attempted to take control of the galley this evening, cook one of his own dishes and take it out of Tom's hands, but Private Brownwater was having none of it and duly stepped in to 'help'. What was going to be a pasta bake turned into spaghetti bolegnese. He'll have to be more forceful next time, not that any of us were complaining, the spag bog was lovely!

Pick of the day: Private Brownwater 'aiding' Karin with his pasta bake / spag bog.

That's all for now. Shalan out

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