Arrival in Tahiti

Harvey & Sue Death
Sat 10 Jun 2017 20:03
there. We had planned to go on and visit another couple of islands in the
Tuomotos but our young crew member Declan unfortunately contracted shingles
and was very poorly. Rangiroa luckily had medical facilities - a doctor and
a pharmacist who carried the anti-viral drugs and strong pain killers that
he required. We decided that it was best to stay put there until he was a
bit better rather than end up at a very remote island with no medical
We sailed the 200 miles to Tahiti (Harvey and I sharing the night watch) and
arrived in Tahiti on Monday. Declan is making a good recovery and returns to
the UK tomorrow for a holiday. Harvey's brother Clive and his wife Sue
arrived yesterday after a gruelling 36 hour journey for a two week holiday
with us. We welcomed them last night in true Oyster style with a drinks
party on our boat with a few of the other Oyster owners and crew.
We are going to sail over to Moorea, a small island about twenty miles away
which has some nice anchorages and good cruising