Safiya in Curacao

12:04,70 N 68:51,51 W Arrived in Curacao on Tuesday after an easy 5 hour sail, anchored in a large inland water called Spanish waters - very quiet and sheltered Inland the Island is much bigger, busier and more commercial than Bonaire. We went into the capital Willemstadt to clear in through customs and immigration. It is quite a bustling, vibrant City with lovely old Dutch colonial houses along the waterfront. There is a vast floating fruit and veg market which is all bought over in small boats from Venezuala so we did some haggling! There are beautiful beaches all along the coastline but it is very built up with massive, fancy hotel resorts. Like Bonaire it appears to be quite a diving mecca so today we are hiring bottles and going on our own dingy to a dive site close by. That's all for now, just off diving..... |