Winter blues

Tony Porter
Wed 7 Jan 2009 19:29
Try as I might contributions from crew were noticeably absent over the festive season!!...So here I am again!
The beautifully made stern anchor box (better woodwork than the rest of the boat!! much for German engineering...Sussex Cabinet maker beats em-al!!) sits well now on the stern rail; rumour has it the 'sewing lady' is making a nice blue canvas cover!!
The logo origins and its designer is the subject of a separate blog. The anchor chain issue and planned new hawse pipe (to stop the chain jumble in the forward chain locker) is well in hand and I am sure we will see some more excellent woodwork from John (Now joining the E mail sect!!, courtesy of lessons from Sue). Many thanks to Terry again for braving the elements and scrubbing down the topsides; rust spots issue seems to have been addressed whilst I have been away so hopefully no re-occurrance! Thanks also to Mike at SMR for the sail re-installation, 3rd reefing line and spreader wear patches, we look forward to trying it all out soon.
I have been spasmodically! working on the intended passage plan and checking our gear compliance for the Rally Scrutineer check sheet, unfortunately with me spending all his bl....dy time in Saudi!! this is going far too slowly.,
Our recently injured limp along IT Consultant come co skipper is now sidetracked to India for a week but will hopefully regain full health soon!!, ...Our new logo monogrammed shirts?..out there somewhere!.
3 out of 4 of us so far survived the SIFTA MCA.survival course....including lifting a 16stone fisherman into the life raft!!....high diving with lifejacket was achieved by Terry!!....unfortunately in the excitment of completing our water drills without drowning we managed to back John's immaculate car into the underground carpark pillar, despite reversing TV & sensors!!!!...must remember this for Med stern to mooring practice!! Next course goal is our First Aid refreshers....
Our aging limbs, arthritis and Christmas excesses all now need to be worked off as we start to prepare for the many sailing drills we need to practice once the current winter freeze abates.
Happy New Year - Tony