Weathered again!

Tony Porter
Wed 10 Jun 2009 10:46
Finally skip here with a few words from 'Sunny (I don't think so!!) Spain'
After a relatively trouble free Biscay crossing we are now experiencing the frustration of being weather bound in Baiona, such a shame, where are those blue skies and 'factor 50' we all dreamed about?!!  We came south to avoid the vagaries of the English summer......didn't we!!
Still after 4 days of gales force south westerly's, torrential rain, visibilility of les than 200 meters and the challenges of stern to on lazy lines in 30knot + gusts it is finally easing and we saw a little sun today to burn off the ghastly fog!
Tomorrow daylight is now our departure planned for the 50 mile virtually due South beat down the coast to Povoa de Varzim, god speed in blue skies.
Currently sitting here with the occasional gust continuing to whine through the rigging while the crew are at a quiz in the yacht club (an excellent effort by Rally Portugal to avoid cabin fever!!) with the heating on & main hatches open in an effort to dry out our very 'soggy' boat!!.   Once again we stayed in last night to avoid the torrential rain and it was back to Skip's cooking Spag Bol!!..and a bottle of local red that definitely tasted better with dinner!
We are all itching to get on and I am sure too our viewers at home must be fed up with our little boat sitting in the same spot on the Rally web site.  Bob's been off to the launderette this morning and post the quiz we are all heading off for a cafe leche and sticky bun....thus our excitement mounts!!  Meanwhile lots of little on board quiz's (organised by Terry) have kept us from each others throats! and the mundane every day tasks of cooking and cleaning!
Several distinct advantages of our extended visit is how easily we have all fallen into the Spanish siesta way of life and are able to sleep more or less at any time of the day!!....some more than others I must say!...and we have now all totally obtained our 'sea legs' moving around the boat easily despite some of the more violent movement in the winds.  Our difficulties now limited to our wandering wide legged gait ashore...although there have been times when this may be a function of the amount of alcohol consumed!!
Coming 2nd on the Biscay leg was of immense personal satisfaction to me and my thanks go out to the crew, their families and most especially my family; without whom none of this would have been onward with our adventure!