Day 3

Top Secret
Feel The Magic Yacht Vacations
Sun 13 Jun 2010 17:21

Morning of day three and our position is 25:55.41N 64:54.69W. Early this morning the sea was like a pond with not a ripple in sight, it was spectacular.   We had to motor for about 22 hours as there was  no wind.  We finally got some wind and pulled out the main sail at about 10 this morning and are travelling at a speed of about 6.5 knots. 

Yesterday was rather uneventful.  Mari did some washing, Matthew cleaned the cockpit and Rean fixed hatches and rudders.  As it was so quiet we decided to have a braai and chicken was on the menu as we still have some freezer problems.  We eventually swopped all the food in the freezer to the fridge and cranked it up.  It seems to be working though, so our freezer is now our fridge and vice verca. 

Whilst we were busy with our various chores yesterday, we pumped up some music and Matt declared us to be ‘chavs of the sea’ – there we are in the middle of the ocean, motoring because there was no wind and Billy Ocean blaring in the background with all three of us singing along and dancing.  Actually only two of us, Matt was laughing at our dancing.

At about 6pm the boys ceremoniously lit their last cigarette and have been complaining ever since that they agreed to stop smoking.  Actually they have not been bad at all, the odd craving but they are doing well.

Later that evening, when Rean was checking things over, he noticed that the fan and the light in the starboard engine compartment do not work and we do not have spares for these.  It is suspiciously close to Matt’s cabin where the fan also does not work.  To top it all, this morning the same engine compartment was full of water and it seems that the bilge pump has also decided to stop working.  So now Rean is trying to find the problem with the starboard side, trying to figure out whether it is an electrical problem or something else.

At least we are sailing again and Matt is busy rigging up a fishing line and is going to attempt to do some fishing.  He is a bit concerned that with the size of the hook he could catch either a whale or a nuclear submarine.  Stay tuned for our next exciting episode.