Day 10

Top Secret
Feel The Magic Yacht Vacations
Sun 20 Jun 2010 20:15
Position: 36:34.48N 58:21.26W 
Speed: 7.1 Knots
Heading 072 degrees
Just got a break... some wind... not much, but enough to turn off the engine. (we were planning on sailing across the Atlantic.. not motoring across it!) We have been motor sailing with the engine set very low (2,000rpm) to save fuel. It seems to have worked...yes we do go a bit slower, but the 0.5 knot sacrifice is worth saving 30% on the fuel. So we still have more than three quarters of a tank of diesel left.
We are heading in the right general direction, but I would prefer it if we were headed a a bit more North. But the wind is dictating the speed of our trip, and I just want to get somewhere, even if that isn't where we want to go... Canada would be fine!!! Actually Canada is the closest land to us right now, except for Bermuda.
Can't believe how high up we are (north) already. The days are much longer now, with sunrise at about 4am and sunset at about 8pm. This is all local boat time of course, as we determine what time we are using by where we are. The water temperature has taken a trip south. It started at about 29C in the  BVI and is now hovering around the 21C mark. The daytime temperatures are fine, we actually have no clue what the temperature is, but it feels great and sun bathing is a must. The evenings however are a different story altogether. Long sleeve shirts, jackets and fleeces are hauled out at around sunset.
No need to run the generator now for 3 days, as the engines are charging the batteries as we motor sail. We will need to run it soon, as the water levels are low again. With a water maker on board it seems that we are using much more than we would without one. The water maker uses too much power for the inverter to handle off the battery, so we will need to run the generator to make some more water. It only takes about an hour to fill them up. It makes about 2.5 litres per minute.
Matt was assaulted by a flying fish last night. It slapped him silly and left a few scales in the cockpit. Mari has found her bullet proof jacket again and is no longer feeling sea sick. Rean and Mari did an English breakfast this morning at about 8am local  boat time.
I hope the new wind that has just arrived lasts for the rest of the trip, we need it to make good time and actually get to Lanzarote.