Snorkelling Devils Table

Pau Amma
Matthew Shaw
Wed 28 Dec 2011 01:41
We (George, Nick and I) have had a great afternoon snorkelling at
Devils Table and the 100ft wreck of a tug just beyond. Nick AKA
Aqualung freedived to 18m. Here are some of the small pics we took with the VeeCam. Some of the video we got is pretty good, we need to learn to have steady hands!! We will try to work out how to compress the video for web at some point - in the meantime there's a taster below. The Patient - Louis is on the mend, 2 more days before he can swim (not that we're all counting.) This morning we went to see the old Whaling Museum at the bottom of Friendship Bay. We met an old lady who is related to the original whaling family. She talked us through some exhibits and photo's. Very mixed feelings about the whaling on Bequia, whilst we understand that they are limited to 4 hump back whales per year, they are still engaging in an activity that "society" has taught us to abhor. There is no doubting the bravery of the 6 men in the tiny open boat that take on the challenge. Pics to follow when Louis writes it all up for a home/school/boat work project.