Slap up feed

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Mon 30 Aug 2010 23:49
Kokamo is at 15:33.0S
A lightning stop in Luganville, the
capital of Vanuatu's largest island, Espiritu Santo. We've decided to head
north today to try and catch a cultural festival up in the remote Banks Islands,
120 miles to the north. So yesterday we managed to reprovision the boat
with food, water and fuel, get the laundry done and other fun admin.... It
was also the anniversary of us getting engaged! So in celebration we had a
very good slap up meal in the smart resort we were moored off. Felt quite
a long way from the windy Scottish mountain top where the question was popped,
but was a lovely evening.
Right, northward ho!
About to set sail for the overnight passage up to the Banks