Pics from Vava'u, Tonga - Part One

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Sat 3 Jul 2010 07:13
I'm still working through these, but here are some pics from our time in the northern group of islands in Tonga - Vava'u.  These are from the the couple of weeks before Chris arrived.  More to follow.
Kokamo anchored off Kenutu Island
Pina Coladas on the beach that evening - honestly!
Sashimi minutes after catching a little skipjack tuna
End of another tough day
Kitesurfing with some new friends
Just to prove it's not all playtime...  stripping down one of the primary winches to regrease it.  Now where does that coggy bit go again...?
Our crew for the Friday night yacht race in Neiafu.  Lots of fun, but as for the result... let's just say it's the taking part that counts.
Chris arrives... and catches his first squid (our new source of dinner).