'O'ua Island

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Sat 22 May 2010 00:52
Kokamo's position is 20:02.6S
We have just navigated through a
tricky section of reef into the lagoon around the Island of 'O'ua. Some
frightening moments but we made it in without mishap. We are learning
to find our way around the coral patches by the colour of the water
- Dark blue is deep, turquoise blue - greeny colours are shallow over
sand, and brownish bits are the reef - the lighter the shallower. It is
definitely heart in the mouth stuff especially in this area where the charts are
not plotted to the same datum as the GPS and so our whizzy computer chart
plotter often shows our position as somewhere totally different.....Anyway,
we're here in our first South Pacific anchorage without any other boats. Lots of
kids waving and shouting from the shore so we're going to say hi after a spot of
PS. still no fish!!!