We made it...!

Kokamo's Pacifc Meanderings
Tom and Rachel
Tue 11 May 2010 08:39
Kokamo's position is 21:07.6S
We have finally arrived at Pangaimotu
Island in Tonga. It has been a bit of an uphill struggle for the last
couple of days, bashing our way directly into the wind and waves, so it is great
to be here. Unfortunately it isn't quite the tropical paradise we were
after just at the moment as it is pouring with rain and the sky is grey with
thick cloud cover. We haven't managed to clear customs yet so we are
confined to the boat until tomorrow. Everything is a bit damp and salty but
we are feeling better after a quick swim and a shower off the back of the
boat (the first for 11 days). It feels very odd to be still and on the
level and we are all a bit wobbly on our feet - nothing to do with consuming the
duty free allowance and the celebratory bottle of champagne provided by
Mark. Looking forward to going ashore and exploring tomorrow.