12th June Engine switch off day.

Mon 14 Jun 2010 17:47
Well today is the big turn off the engine day for fuel conservation.So at
0915 the engine was turned off only to be used in an emergency and for charging batteries for 1 to 2 hours a day. No sooner had we turned the engine off a faint breeze from the South
appeared and we have had it for most of the day now just hope it lasts through the night. The wind from this angle was mentioned by Grae or personal weather man. At present rate of progress we will be at least eleven days at sea not including today this is a conservative estimate. We have seen several large fenders just floating around with no purpose and
each one has a small 6ft shark attacking it I wonder when they give up and realise there mouths are just not big enough. Small school of dolphins today the further North we come the less we see of
them. However we have been seeing alot of Portuguese men of war, these seem to be diminishing now as well. What we are getting instead is a ping pong ball shape with what look like the start of tentacles on them. We have seen hundreds of these. I think they are baby Portuguese men of war. The Azores high seems to be in control at the
moment and we are on the wrong side of it and cannot just sail through it as
there is no wind inside the high pressure and we cannot motor as fuel is for
other purposes at present. We loaded up with nearly twice our normal tankage of
fuel using plastic containers, however you can never get enough fuel to
cover 1300miles onboard.