
Sun 30 Nov 2008 04:55
Had a good day yesterday, got the wind vane
steering working well with the at bimini panel folded forward out of the way.
Since the sun is always to port or ahead we still get plenty of shade from the
spray cover and sails. We used it all yesterday and through the night. Our
reliance upon electricity has now diminished and the need to run the engine for
so long which will make our fuel last longer. Clearly even though the last coupl
of days have seen better progress, we are going to take lomger than our original
Also started fishing (unsuccesfulyy so
We will hit our waypoint off Cape Verde today and
then the crossing proper begins.
Saw flyimg fish for the first time, and one landed
on deck during Ian's watch earlier, no photos yet!
Tonight's sail has been briliant, with the wind
self steering working and a warm breeze behind us. Having settled into the
watches am actually starting to enjoy the all dark