Thursday Showers

Fri 21 Nov 2008 08:31
Thursday and all up again at a reasonable time,
aftre light early morning rain. I went off for a dive (good vis and fish and
stuff to look at - Richard said that I cannot say any more). So water was about
21deg, slippy rocky entry into surf which was worse coming out but worth the
effort some really good shoals and the fish were easy to get up close to, two
nice big trumpet fish, flounders, octopus and a mix of brightly coloured and
plain varieties all very diferent from Indonesian waters, (28deg and more
colourful with diferent varieties) although the full 5mm wet suit did eep ot
most of teh cold!
Ian and Richard wrapped pipe insulation onto the
lower spreaders to protect the main sail and overhauled the crew toilet
(essential job) drank lots of tea and waterproofed one of the forward vents.
Then put fresh rolls in the oven just in time for me to get back for
Afternoon was spent getting the laundry back and
the usual argument about which M&S pants belonged to whom. Richard and I
bought smaller fish hooks having been told by Enrique that ours were too
Had to attend yet another happy hour of free drinks
before going of to town for a sumptuous 8 euro meal
All are really looking forward to getting