Frustration and paperwork

Mira's Web Diary
Gordon and Catherine
Sat 26 Oct 2013 14:58

Thursday afternoon – I get cross and decide to tackle Fed-Ex to see why our boxes are still in transit.  It turns out they’re not in transit, they’re sitting at Gibraltar airport awaiting customs clearance.  I shoot over to the airport on my trusty bike but am told I can’t get clearance without a form T1, which will cost £15.  This is issued by the shipping agents on the other side of the airport so off I go armed with the appropriate forms from Fed-Ex.  I eventually track down the shipping agents in a tin-pot little cabin and get the precious document, which I then have to present to Customs in a different place again.  I then take all the forms, now appropriately stamped, back to Fed-Ex and, after much processing, am told the boxes will arrive at the boat on Friday.  Watch this space …