41:22.269N 8:45.898W Povoa de Varzim

Mon 20 Oct 2008 20:35
Yesterday (Sunday) was spent with more tinkering. The wind generator is now installed in the tethered position. We didn't have quite enough cable to complete the wiring.
Today (Monday) wespent sightseeing. We caught the excellent Metro train/tram to the centre of Porto.
The city is situated on the steep banks of the River Douro.Our train deposited us at the top of the hill and allowed us to meander down through the narrow cobbled streets to the river itself. There we crossed the bridge to the south side where the port wine caves are located.
The bridge itself is a magnificent structure designed by Thomas? Eiffel of tower fame.
We then went on a tour of the Sandeman Cave and sampled the product. Very tasty, but we decided not to purchase any as there is limited room on Blue Tarn.
We saw the rest of Porto from the top of an open top bus on a tour which lasted over an hour and a half and finally got back to the marina after dark.
Tomorrow we plan to sail to Figuera da Foz.