all sorts, saturday

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Sat 26 Jul 2008 13:49
position: 43:24.6N, 20:36.4W
moving slowly slowly slowly... have been going at
about 2.5kts for the last 18hrs or so with all white sails set before a
southerly force 1 or 2, but an uncomfortable swell from the W (wind over there
somewhere?) at this speed and course i should reach iceland by
on the other hand, the calm weather has been handy
for getting on with re-stitching the mainsail (again) - yesterday i got the
preventer line in rather a tangle when gybeing and almost ripped it in two!
It's now back in one piece, but i'm giving the final touches to my masterful
repair some time to give my blistered fingers some respite from needle and
thread. considering araldite instead. Lucky i had the spare main on
in other news, there's a mystery yacht somewhere
about headed the same way as me - i've sighted her on the horizon several times
over the last few days. And i caught a fish shortly after sending off my
last update - a nice big tuna! so that night was fish stew. last night was fish
stew. and tonight will be... fish stew (or maybe fish curry). it was a big
800 miles to salcombe, 400 miles done from Praia da
Vitoria - so i'm just about a third of the way there! hooray! which fits, as
i've read three books and have six left unread. It's quiet enough at this speed
to listen to jamie cullum and chet baker on the speakers in the cabin, so having
a lovely civilised time, even if i'll be here a while.
here's hoping for some wind.