I would sail 1000 miles (and I would sail 1900 more)

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Tue 4 Dec 2007 14:18
Position 19:27N, 30:58W
Here we are 1000 miles in and rather committed to this whole venture it would now seem. We've had a good couple of days distance-wise, which is always likely to increase spirits, and I have now guestimated that we should be into Rodney Bay Marina in a mere 15 days or so - no time at all, especially not now that we have an advent calendar.
I feel I should explain: we opened our 1000 mile care package from Henry's mum today (2000 mile package from my mum to follow - a lot to live up to) and found all sorts of goodies thereenclosed. Quite apart from all the sweets which I am going to allow to do their best in attacking my teeth, there was a little bottle of champagne, countless biscuits and cakes, puzzle books (which are great as they mean I have to espend even less effort on conversation than normal) and even a mini bottle of champagne! Most exciting though were the mini sparklers (coming out later) and the advent calendar, to get us into the Christmas spirit.
Aforementioned Christmas spirit has been a little hard to come by, not due to my inherently humbug nature, but to the fact that we have officially been in the tropics for about 4 days and have been enjoying the rather un-Christmasy temperatures - hope it's this warm back home.
Are expecting some rather strong winds (up to force 6) in the next couple of days, so we'll try and break the 140-miles-in-a-day mark, under just a double-reefed main - bring it on. This should also help with our fishing, which apparently requires speeds of around 7 knots for optimal results. I would, young grasshopper though I am, hasten to contradict this expert opinion and point the learned gentleman to our first experience of deep sea fishing 3 days agao, when we caught a 12 pound dorado after 3 minutes, without actually having paid the full line out. At this stage the evil skipper was very popular and boastfully asserted that he would maintain his record of 4 pounds of fish for every minute expended in the effort. His popularity has since waned with no further fish despite an entire afternoon dedicated to the pursuit of our piscine co-inhabitors of the ocean (although, excitingly, a flying fish did land on dexk last night).
Not much more as power at a premium and need to get some more detailed weather, but will try to update soon and love to all until that time,
Foshy/The Crew (and Henry/The Evil Skipper, even though he had nothing to do with the writing of this)