530 miles to go...

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Mon 28 Apr 2008 22:31
position 19.54N, 66.00W
making good progress I think. past the busy area
north of the Virgin islands, so feeling more relaxed about napping now,
especially as the new radar detector seems to be working very well.
a horrible night last night with my predictable
lack of sea legs, no moon, and a horizon-full of lightning. Luckily it never
came too close, but was still feeling a little low/nervous throughout. much
beter today - still making about 6kts over the ground, so on course for a speedy
passage if the weather remains as it is (easterly 3 or so)
caught a lovely hefty tuna but let him go again as
wasn't up for cooking in the rolling. I love ginger nuts.
a real meal tonight!
that's it for now.