Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Thu 3 Apr 2008 15:28
18:03.65N, 63:05.6W
Who is Toby, you may ask?
Toby is the Time Out BoatYard, where Ariel has
spent the last three weeks while I've been home and family-holidaying. It's a
lovely little French-run place with scrap lying around everywhere and it's
lovely and cheap..
I've messed up my feet on skiing holiday, so am
hobbling around most pathetically, generally feeling sorry for myself. Also, all
offers of crew that I got after putting up an advert have fallen through, so
looks like I'm going it solo from here on. That means I'm going to hang about
here in St. Martin for a while, resting my feet with painkillers and checking
out the copiously stocked chandleries for bargains/essentials.
Hopefully I'll be around long enough now to meet up
with some old ARC friends who are slowly coming up this way. Long-term plans are
changing - think I might have had enough of this sitting in a little boat by
myself. Rather than sailing solo to New York over the next three months, as
planned, I think i might pop up to Bermuda from the Bahamas and then sail back
home via the Azores. Of course, if a certain Mr. BBC is reading this, then let
me know if I've got an interview in June (and I'll sail back for
Now to work on the outboard engine, which needs a
full maintenance check, etc.