land ahoy..

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Sat 3 May 2008 21:28
position: 24:03.5N, 74:32.2W (just where the topmost big white boat is moored on google earth!)
back on solid ground, thank Neptune.
after two days of strong northerly winds Ariel made cracking speed under triple- (ie. storm-) reefed mainsail but bounced around a lot on confused seas. I almost need not say I've found a few more leaks to fix. Arrived in San Salvador just after dawn today, tied up and leapt ashore for a big sit-down.
It feels good to acheived this macho solo sailing thingy, but two people is definitely more comfortable - you get sleep. Off to Conception island tomorrow (deserted, bird sanctuary, 4 miles of coral reefs, etc) then Georgetown, aka cruiser-central, to meet Mum.

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