
Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Sat 8 Dec 2007 13:30
Position: 17:15N, 40:16W
It would appear that we are over halfway according
to our very rough approximations, which is excellent news, especially as we only
seem to have about another 1200 miles to go having done at least 1500
(probably). This is especially lifting as we have just endured 3 and a bit days
of quite strong winds and constantly wet conditions (we are nothing if not a low
boat) so have been a bit damp and miserable. Almost as if on command (very slow
response, though, it must be added) the sun has finally reappeared and is
occasionally shining through the clouds - this amount of cloud was not pointed
out in the brochure by the evil skipper when selling the route as the
beautiful sunny 'milk run'. Even less, was the possibility of massive
thunderstorms (which we are, at present, doing our best to stay behind) although
he did mention something about squalls, a whole line of which may be approaching
us within the nest week or so. Nothing we're not prepared for, we'd both just
rather potter along in easy winds without having to touch the tiller or the
sails (I know I would).
Actual action-wise, not that much has been going
on. We have been getting wet, sleeping and then getting wet again, occasionally
eating in between and always listening to audiobooks. We did, during this
period have a massive day's sailing, distance-wise and this put is in a very
good mood, until we went to bed damp again. Our fishing efforts have rather
dwindled in the stronger winds, but we hope to get the line back out again in
the next day or two and start hooking us some tuna. Flying fish have been
confirmed as mad and we still (much to my pleasure) have not seen a whale
broaching close to our boat. Henry's just getting caught in a rain shower in
just his boxers at the moment (while I am tucked away below, typing this) so
I\might put waterproofs on and go and relieve him.
Anyway, lots of love to you all and will try to
update again soon,