and then North again - Statia

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Mon 3 Mar 2008 23:59
17:28.75N, 62:59.25W
had a blustery (very blustery) departure from the
north end of St. Kitts entailing the loss of the dinghy's seat, but not quite
the dinghy in its entirety. I now get a wet bum and row very slowly and
awkwardly. looking for an empty beer crate to serve as a new seat. And then I
reached Statia. Statia used to be the 'Golden Rock' of the Caribbean due to it's
duty-free status in the 1700s, wealthy and a centre of trade. Then Admiral
Rodney of the good old Royal Navy sacked it and confiscated the dosh. Now it's
lovely, tiny and scenic, but a little rolly at anchor.
Saw a stingray as soon as i jumped in to set the
kedge anchor, so kept clear for a minute.. ashore, I followed steep little paths
up the cliffs to the town proper and found a great little Chinese supermarket
which sold me powdered milk now that I've taken to having a civilised cup of
coffe with toast in the mornings. (labour-intensive frying pan toast, to be
sure, but civilised nonetheless) and also sold me baking powder. Let the
experiments begin (drum roll.......). I came, I saw, I kneaded, I baked. Foshy
never believed me that bread could be made on board..well that's showed him!
some might not call it bread, but i've kept a note of what went into it so I can
change it next time to be even more like normal bread. Down this path, I
feel, success and quite probably fame lies.