7th June

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Sat 7 Jun 2008 16:48
Position: 36:54.8N, 48:29.2W
Big day yesterday. After rechecking weather
it turned out the fiercest part of the depression system was going to come
straight over us... 35knot winds predicted... gale preperations
followed! stowing, lashing, storm jib prep, deck clearing followed.
Wind picked up a lot in the afternoon and we
started full shift rotations on the helm. Waves built up to 5m with
plenty of rain and surf. According to GPS we hit a pretty comfortable
12.5knots surfing down a particular huge one. Some amusing
vids of each other to follow getting soaked while lashings things on the stern,
waves braking over the top!
Things calmed down about 2am, wind swinging
round to the North and we settled in to more relaxed shift
pattern. Sea is thoroughly confused today, and everything is wet
or damp, which isn't making for good milage but hopefully half way some
time in the next 24hrs. :)
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