cabin fever

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Mon 9 Jun 2008 13:10
36:32.7N, 43:50.9W
the cabin's beginning to smell a bit funny. we've
been confined down below for about two days aside from brief sail changes and
course corredctions because these bloody waves are continually soaking the whole
cockpit! what towels and waterproofs (ha! they get away with calling them
that?!) aren't wet through we want to keep in a state of mere lingering
making excellent progress directly towards Horta,
occasional shipping seen, no more dolphins yet. first blue skies for a few days
today, so hopefully we can alter course for a few hours to keep the boat a bit
drier and get everything out to air (especially my sheets and pillow which have
had a good few mugfulls through the side of the main hatch.