Day three at sea!

Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Wed 28 Nov 2007 12:26
position at noon 24:19N, 19:38W
Well, it seems I've finally got my sea legs on and
can cope with some typing. typing in the cockpit in fact as it's such a lovely
day - blue skies, fluffy clouds, blue sea. and little wind. hmmm
we're making a bit over 4 knots SW at the moment,
so should reach brazil by mid january if this keeps up, or on the other hand
there's a chance the wind will pick up on friday and boost us down to the real
trade winds to turn right for st. lucia. Will keep updated on
haven't been doing much so far, just getting used
to being at sea and trying not to think think how long three weeks is. sleeping
lots, eating at funny hours. big highlight of this afternoon will be a
shower (a la bucket) for me - oh, yes, life is adrenaline-filled out
best keep update short and battery life long, so
check again in a couple of days for something oh so witty from the cabin boy,
and maybe even a photo if you're lucky..
ps real highlight so far must be the first
afternoon - enormous start with 200 boats all together, loud music and sendoff,
new record for Ariel surfing downwind at up to 12.5 kts, and the best dolphins
we've seen so far jumping out of the backs of big waves to 3 metres in the air!
think foshy got one on video. ciao