
Yacht Ariel
Henry Adams
Mon 10 Dec 2007 13:02
Position: 16:52N, 44:50W
We meet again,
Very little to report as having happened since my
last illuminating update, but I feel a certain responsibility towards my legions
of fans, so I'll give you all a little bit more to read.
We have, rather excitingly, passed the point at
which we only have 1000 miles to go so, as of 12:00 GMT today, we had only 949
nm between us and St Lucia, a distance which is diminishing all the time, due to
us making rather good time at the moment (surfed
at 12.7knts earlier) in fairly acceptable conditions (i.e. haven't seen a 40
foot wave for a few days).
Our fishing efforts continue to disappoint after
such a fantastic start and I am still waiting for my fist tast of fresh
yellow-fin tuna. My efforts proved no more fruitful than the skipper's, althoug
I feel I somehow did it with a bit more flair and it was only the complete and
utter absence of fish which led to a negative result, not a lack of
We had a good meal to celebrate two weeks at sea
last night, but this, as I will presently explain, put me in a horrifically bad
mood. I (as normal when we want something really good to eat) was cooking and
the sea was roling us all over the place. However, I thought I had planned the
meal in such a way as I would be able to do most of the cooking with the lid on
to counteract nature's brazen attempts to stifle my culinary flair. I was doing
very well until I realised that I had not put in the piri piri. When I tried, we
rolled and half the pot went everywhere, very nearly scalding me. This,
obviously annoyed me for three reasons: firstly, at my own stupidity, secondly
at the fact that I had to clear up a mssive spillage, but mostly because we had
lost about 10% of our meal (which will, in fact, still give us leftovers for
supper tonight) - I hate throwing food away (we had to chuck 1/3 pineapple and a
mango away yesterday, but they were beginning to ferment and we didn't fancy
being drunk at the helm).
Was guilted into a bucket shower this morning (I
personally thought I smelt fine) and have been indulging in some sunbathing this
morning which has been aided by the glorious sunshine now attending us. I
am trying to turn slowly into a nut and not the lobster that normally threatens
- I feel at the moment that I am probably a hazlenut-flavoured crab, but, then
again, life's about compromises and I'm fairly happy with this.
We have some more force 5 forecast in a few days'
time, but hopefully this will not be as prolonged or uncomfortable as last time
(I have no basis for this, it is just my most fervent desire). Anyway, if we do
get it, it will only probably speed us up, helping us to make our new
arrival target (set by me in my own head) of next Tuesday - 23 days, which
would be ace.