MOTO Gazette N17:35.00W03:34.00

Sun 6 Jan 2013 18:10
     Middle Of The Ocean Gazette
Jan 6, 2013
Bad Fuel Sold at  Fuel Dock, in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Many of the yacht participating in this year’s annual ARC regatta (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers), as well as many of recreational yachts also heading out from Las Palmas for the route crossing the Atlantic Ocean  to ports Westbound, were caught off guard later when discovered their fuel tanks had been contaminated with water, sludge, bacteria, and a host of bad things that can possibly run havoc to a boat’s diesel engine.  Several of these boats suffered serious problems, such as fuel pumps breaking down, while others battled with clogged filters, dirty injectors and hours spent bleeding while hundreds of miles offshore.  “This is really a shame that this fuel came from such a reputable place!” says  American sailor Cindy Fletcher Holden, who with her Husband Robert, and Two Most Wonderful Crew Members John and Karen, had to detour to  the island of Sao Vincente, in Cape Verde for repairs. Fortunately the city of Mindelo has Kai Brossmann, who owns the marina there and was able to get them  back and running quickly, but not without spending a large amount of money!
Boats in the future should inquire as to when the last time the diesel tanks had been cleaned. 
Huge Party Planned  aboard Yacht Tenacity in the Atlantic Ocean
The crew of American sailing yacht, “Tenacity”, is planning to host what could be the party of the year when thy reach the half way point of their crossing, as little as three days from now. Crew members first mate Cindy Fletcher Holden and most Wonderful Crew Member Karen Lorenz are  dutifully working on an extensive guest list which as of now includes the captain Robert Holden and other Most Wonderful Crew Member John Prehn. Also included are ship’s cats Perkins aka “Princess” and Dabola aka “Hisser”, along with a nice family of dolphins that stop by on a regular basis, some flying fish, King Neptune and Keith Richards.  Party entertainment will include  a bunch of food already on board, three beers,  Fanta Zero diet soda, some silly hats and maybe a cake.  If you want to be involved with the fun and celebration, email tenacity47 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
American Sign Artist Collects Colors of the Ocean
American sign shop owner and Most Wonderful Crew Member aboard sailing yacht Tenacity,  John Prehn, has successfully, using his Pantone Color matching app on his I phone, determined each and every color and it’s  Pantone corresponding color number surrounding the boat, including water, wave troughs, wave crests, sky, clouds,  the boat’s wake,  deck, dodger, bimini, as well as the crew and the cats. “Aiming my phone at the one cat, Dabola,  causes him to hiss and swat” says Prehn “This job is more dangerous than I anticipated.” Tenacity is owned by sail maker Robert Holden and his wife Cindy Fletcher Holden, who is also  an artist, and joining  Prehn  as Most Wonderful Crew Member is Karen Lorenz, also an artist. “Only on a boat full of artists would something like this take place.” says Fletcher Holden  “I’m just really glad we now know the proper colors”