Sleeping Across the Atlantic

Sun 31 Jul 2011 14:30
Before we left Annapolis, I had this vivid dream,  where we were arriving in Horta, and Robert was waking me and saying “wake up! We’re here” and I realized that I slept the whole way and missed out o the crossing experience, and wanted to go back and start over.   Well one of the ironies of this Ocean Crossing experience is that one of the highlights of our everyday life out here is getting off watch and going to sleep!  We all feel the same thing. During those last 20   minutes of the middle of the night watches, all you can think about is your head hitting the pillow and sleeping.  Bunk is a wonderful thing!!!  Even with EverDamp.
But we are getting awfully close now, and we are finding ourselves getting up a little earlier for our watches. We are down to hours now, still over 24 but we are not counting in days anymore.  44 – 48 hours, or so. We are motoring as of this writing, in flat seas and virtually no wind.  The Azorean High.  If the wind picks up, we’ll sail, and if it’s slow it may extend those hours some but that’s OK. 
This morning I made pancakes and Spam in honor if our recently deceased friend Tim Ellis. I had the honor of reading the eulogy at his service which was written by our great mutual friend Casey Brokenshire.  In the eulogy Casey wrote, “Once Tim and I were several hundred miles offshore, and I woke up to the smell of pancakes and Spam. That’s when it hit me! If Time is making breakfast, who is steering the boat? Did King Neptune crawl over the lifelines and take over the tiller?”  he went on to describe Tim’s jury rigged but successful self steering system. So this morning, while our “Bubbah” steered us along, we toasted Tim with pancakes and Spam and shared some fond memories, causing at least a tear or two.
We had a good dolphin session this morning as well. They really hung around the bow and played with us for quite a while. We were wondering, what do they do all day? Do they just swim, eat, play and be happy?  It seems that way. 
Our Most Wonderful Crew Member John has to head home when we reach the Azores.  Then it’ll be Robert and I. We hope to spend some time touring the islands .  We’ll probably look for more crew to head to mainland Portugal. It’s a short trip from the Azores.  After this crossing,we both have so much more experience and  we cold probably even do it with just us two, but it’s a lot more fun with three or more so you can sleep more than 2 hours! Which brings me back to sleep!!!  
I am so glad for all the waking hours we’ve had out here. But it’s time for a nap!