Lat: 12:27.1 S : Long: 130:49.2 E. - 9th September, 2013 - Cullen Bay Marina, Darwin

Sulana's Voyage
Alan and Sue Brook
Sat 1 Feb 2014 19:36
Lat: 12:27.1 S : Long: 130:49.2 E. 9th September, 2013 – Cullen Bay Marina,
Darwin Next we had to motor to a quarantine berth in the Bio-Security
Dock, next the ferry service, where Sulana was “decontaminated” the following
morning by a lady diver who filled our seacocks and seachests, from underwater,
with a biocide. Then, after the requisite 12 hour wait overnight, we moved off
round into the main harbour and went through the TINIEST lock into Tipperary
Waters Marina, where Alan could finally stop holding his
breath. |