Lat: 19:31.5 S: Long: 169:29.8 E - 9th July, 2013 - Port Resolution, Tanna, Vanuatu

Sulana's Voyage
Alan and Sue Brook
Fri 9 Aug 2013 12:55

Lat: 19:31.5 S: Long: 169:29.8 E

9th July, 2013 – Port Resolution, Tanna, Vanuatu


Next stop was Port Resolution, Tanna, where we anchored near to Sotto Vento, Mariela and Dreams Come True and were later joined by Valentine and Wolfhound. On Tanna we experienced one of the highlights of the trip so far – a visit to an active volcano, Mount Yasur.

We were taken on a 4x4 up to the base and then climbed several hundred steps to the rim of the crater where we joined dozens of other tourists to watch the sun setting as a backdrop to one of nature’s finest firework displays. Back in the UK or any other PC country in the world visitors would have been kept at a safe distance from the crumbling rim and the possibility of flying rocks but there were no officials to be seen and we were all able to inch forward and peer into the glowing furnace. Each new burst of flames was preceded by a deep rumble from way beneath our feet, giving us all that tingling feeling in the pit of our stomachs – very exciting.

Stephen and Sarah Auret from Valentine anticipated the excitement of the occasion much better than we did, bringing along a bottle of champagne (with soft drinks for their three children) and some nibbles. Alan detected the familiar popping of the cork above the rumbling of the volcano, and we were invited to share a glass of champagne with them. It really was a very special outing!