Lat: 11:11.8 S : Long: 132:03.3 E. - 6th September, 2013 - Port Essington, Northern Territory, australia.

Lat: 11:11.8 S : Long: 132:03.3 E. 6th September, 2013 – Port Essington, Northern
Territory, australia. After
bowling along in winds up to 30 knots we reached Coral Bay, Port Essington,
where, the pilot book informed us, there was a resort. There was absolutely no
sign of it from on board but when Alan put out a radio call a cheery voice told
us that there certainly was a resort – the Seven Spirit Eco Lodge, no less - and
we were welcome ashore. Having been told there was a resident “saltie” in the
bay we were all very careful to keep our hands in the dinghy as we later went
ashore to be met by Bruce in his Landrover ready to take us the short distance
to the Lodge for supper. There were only a couple of other tables in use and the
ambience was very laid-back, with wallabies meandering through the grounds. We
signed up for a guided tour the following day through the bush on the Peninsular
near the resort – home to crocodiles (naturally), wild pigs, Bintang (wild
Indonesian cattle) etc. Our guide, a very enthusiastic, young New Zealander who
presented us with an enormous amount of fascinating information on tracking and
identifying various animals, but no sight of any crocodiles. However, each time
we made our dinghy trip to and from the resort we did see their ‘pet’ crocodile;
at least we saw his eyes and the top of his head – quite enough, thank