Lat: 10:31.2 S : Long: 142:21.4 E. - 3rd September, 2013 - Torres Straits, Northern Australia

Lat: 10:31.2 S : Long: 142:21.4 E. 3rd September,
2013 – Torres Straits, Northern Australia With the help of a strong current we made our way through the
Prince of Wales Channel. Life on board was very uncomfortable with continuous
rolling making it difficult to do very much; even sleeping was difficult. A
beautiful little Rainbow Bee-eater visited us, perching on various parts of the
boat for quite some time before we realised that its mate was swooping in and
then off to sea again. It seemed exhausted but didn’t quite find the right place
to alight. The first one flew off for a few minutes and then returned to Sulana
while its mate circled a couple of times and then crashed into a wave, not to be
seen again. Not long afterwards the first one flew off into the horizon. Very
sad…. |