France Passage Day 10

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Sat 28 May 2011 20:07
Saturday 28/05/11
1200UT Position 47:37.7N
Distance run 1200 - 1200UT:
1200UT COG 060M, SOG 5.6kts, wind
290M 10 - 12kts (estimated - instrument unserviceable), baro 1020 falling
1200UT Temperatures: Air 18, Sea
Intention: to sail to
France (Camaret 370NM)
A good 24 hours run in roughly the
direction of Camaret including the challenges associated with down wind sailing
in light airs and swell on the beam. Weather disappointingly cool and
damp with cloud and only occasional glimpses of the sun.