ARC Day 18

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Wed 8 Dec 2010 22:18
Wednesday 08/12/10
Midday position 13:59.4N 42:18.7W
Noon - noon run: 139 NM
Plan +24 Hrs: continue on great circle
route to St Lucia 1085 NM
Yesterday's strong gusty winds and heavier seas continued throughout the
early hours of Day 18, with Starcross getting to all sorts of interesting angles
but with the miles ticking inexorably by.
Daylight revealed to a tired crew that the rain squall clouds had
moved on, but the heavy and confused sea still remained. We decided to
re-rig the trisail into the track as it would probably be up for the next few
days. With a difficult sea in which to maintain a decent
sail-changing bearing, the bottom half dipping as I stood on the lower rail was
most refreshing. That is why boxers and life jackets has become the deck
wear of choice.
Daylight also revealed the identity of our mystery vessel - another ARC
yacht called Winner, upon whom we slowly gained throughout the day.
After short range waving and photo shoots of the yachts at sea, we parted
company until rums and frivolity in St Lucia.
Night watches are beginning, with good strong winds and a still feisty but
slightly diminished sea. Off to bed, see you in four hours.
St Lucia here we come.
Ross, Al, Al, Paul, Will |