Azores Passage Day 10

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Thu 28 Apr 2011 14:59
Thursday 28/04/11
1200UT Position 38:50.4N 45:33.8W
Distance run 1200 - 1200UT: 134NM
1200UT COG 107M, SOG 7.8kts, wind 310M 17kts, baro 1022 steady
1200UT Temperatures: Air 19, Sea 40 (we suspect the instrument is
Intention: to sail to Horta on Faial in the Azores (787NM)
Our pleasant passage was rudely interrupted last night when we experienced
unexpected winds of up to 30 knots which quickly whipped up a rough
sea. This increase from a comfortable 17 knots occurred in 30 minutes
after dark and we had no option but to run south before it with 4 reefs and
a furled headsail. Dave proved to be a great asset on the helm. Come
the dawn, the main was replaced with the tri-sail and twin poled-out
headsails rigged, allowing progress on a Great Circle route at around 7.5 knots
to be resumed in reduced winds and a gradually calming sea.
Interestngly, the barometers have remained steady at 1022/23 for 24
hours. We will have to invest in new Club burgees and an Ensign on return
to UK, as all are now rather tattered!
Crew catching up on sleep.