Azores Passage Day 12

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Sat 30 Apr 2011 14:56
Saturday 30/04/11
1200UT Position 38:31.2N 40:08.8W
Distance run 1200 - 1200UT: 116NM
1200UT COG 105M, SOG 6.7kts, wind 315M 15kts, baro 1023 steady
1200UT Temperatures: Air 21, Sea 40 (we suspect the instrument is
Intention: to sail to Horta on Faial in the Azores (534NM)
For over 24 hours we have benefitted from a Westerly 10 -15 knots and good
progress is now being made either under poled-out headsails or on a white sail
reach with the wind shifting through 30 degrees. Shorts and T shirts
are again the dress of the day as we enjoy bright warm sunshine, a welcome
change after several days of gloomy low cloud and occasional rain/drizzle.
Hopefully this will continue for the next 48 hours at least.
We had another successful radio link-up with Humber Fortress Amateur Radiio
Club last night. Our Wedding Supper was another tour de force by Della
(Delia) of gammon steak with mustard mash and mixed vegetables followed by
home-baked apple pie. A glass of white wine was included for this special