Portugal Passage Day 2

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Fri 20 May 2011 16:19
Friday 20/05/11
1200UT Position 39:22.2N
Distance run Start - 1200UT:
1200UT COG 080M, SOG 4.6kts
(under engine), wind 035M 4kts, baro 1025 falling very slowly
1200UT Temperatures: Air 22, Sea
Intention: to sail to Portugal
(Leixoes?) (763NM)
After over a week relaxing at Praia da
Vitoria on Terceira, we set off yesterday at 1400UT for Portugal, destination
wind, weather and current dependent.
The previous evening we
had enjoyed the company of Chris Hamilton of S/Y Sea Otter berthed
nearby, and John Weighell of S/Y Sleipnir who Tom, our new crew member, had
met on their flight from Lisbon to Terceira that evening. Chris is
preparing to sail to his home north of Stockholm via Cowes, and John left
his yacht ashore in the Marina last October and plans to relaunch and sail to
Madeira before heading home to Whitby. A number of yachts have been
over-wintered or maintained here as the conditions and rates are understood to
be favourable.
One incident that occurred during our
short stay is worthy of note. The shallow entrance to the Marina was
previously commented on. During Monday night a German
yacht attempting to enter went aground 3 hours before low water. With
the assistance of the Marina Manager in his dinghy, Maitime Police, and
several berth holders it was eventually towed off using a line to the
breakwater passed round the light house and attached to the Police pickup
with human ballast in the back. Nationalities involved making for a
cocktail of communication were: Belgian, British, Danish, French,
German, Portuguese, Romanian and Swedish! Once secure alongside, we
were generously entertained aboard the German yacht! In the morning
dredging efforts were switched to the entrance channel which may soon be
A High is now over the Azores, having
drifted south from mid-Atlantic, and this predictably has produced light
airs. After motoring off-and-on since departure, we now expect to motor
for at least 24 hours to pick up the North to North East trades associated with
the High and hopefully take these all the way to the coast. Generally
heading East, we are attempting to make as much North as the limited breeze will
allow. After a cold and cloudy night, it is now much warmer and many
Dolphins and one Turtle, which looked like a log and gave a wave with its
flipper as we passed, have been sighted.
tomorrow. |