Azores Passage Day 6

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Mon 25 Apr 2011 00:34
Sunday 23/04/11
1200UT Position 36:39.7N
Distance run 1200 - 1200UT:
1200UT COG 056M, SOG 6.4kts, wind
120M 10kts, baro 1029
1200UT Temperatures: Air 18, Sea
Intention: to sail to Horta on Faial in
the Azores (1,284NM)
Another brief report after a rather
uncomfortable 36 hours. Wind has now moderated and veered, swell is
reducing, sky clear with occasional puffy cloud and the sun is shining although
rather cool and warm tops required. Heading north to benefit from better
winds. Starcross is in good order and crew well (catching up on
Happy Easter to all our
readers. |