Bermuda Passage Day 5

Starcross Fair Log
Ross Wilson
Mon 11 Apr 2011 13:31
Monday 11/04/11
1200UT Position 26:07.5N 65:05.0W
Distance run 1200UT - 12000UT: 91NM
1200UT COG 020M, SOG 4.4kts, wind 010M 8kts, baro 1016 steady
1200UT Temperatures: Air 25, Sea 24
Intention: to continue to Bermuda (St Georges) 377NM
Sunday afternoon was spent under engine with clear sky and flat sea.
At sunset (2240UT) we were able to start sailing again with a light 10kts from
the West gradually veering to North by dawn ((1003UT). With the excption
of occasional gusts of up to 20kts uinder menacing dark clouds, the night
was gentle sailing. The moon is overhead at sunset and gradually moves to
the west until setting in the early hours; it is already illuminating deck
activities adequately and we look forward to its fullness for the first part of
our onward passage from Bermuda. We saw a ship, the first for 3
days, with the tanker Catalunya Spirit passing close to starboard. Sadly,
it is becoming cooler and T shirts with shorts (and life jackets) may not be
suitable night watch attire for much longer.
With the wind on the nose and under 7kts just before dawn, we again
resorted to the engine and set a course for our Bermudan waypoint. We
remain hopeful that further veering and possibly strengthening will permit
sailing to resume by the afternoon.
In an attempt to reduce our stock of tinned tuna, Simon knocked up a
suitable pasta dish for supper. All well with an eta of Thursday
likely. |