
David and Lynn Wilkie
Wed 20 Jul 2011 01:55



44.07.246N  068.21.820W


Isle au Haut to Frenchboro 17 miles logged


On Wednesday morning we left Isle au Haut and headed North for the islands of Merchant Row then headed east towards Swan Island with a superb sail and then for Frenchboro on Long Island. Here there is a narrow natural harbour at the North end of the island which is populated mainly by people called Lunt who have been the main residents since 1835.


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There are moorings in the harbour as it is impractical to anchor but we were too late for the “Dockside Deli” lunch take-away!


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Lobster keeps at the dock                                                                         Car ferry arriving just astern of Moonbeam


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The island has some well maintained walking trails and only about one mile of road so we were amused when 4 cars came off the ferry but 4 left to restore the balance. Again many homes are only lived in for the summer but there is a small all year round population.


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Another church!                                                                                        Now which way?


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