
David and Lynn Wilkie
Tue 29 Jun 2010 19:38
43.20.232N  003.00.884W
Departed Zumaya Marina at 9.30 having said cheerio to our Scottish speaking " Mariniero". No wind of course but after an hour the wind filled in right on the nose and soon rose to 4/5 ! 2 reefs in the main and the centreboard down we TACKED our way to Bermeo which took 28 miles. There are no "yachty" facilities here except a brand new small boat harbour for the locals and we tied up alongside the harbour wall.
 We had a walk around, a beer and some " pinxtos" ( tapas) but the berth was not comfortable so we departed and headed for Bilbao 22 miles away.
 entrance to Bilbao ..ships all around us
We berthed in the Getxo marina at 22.00 and had a quiet night despite the many bars!
Monday morning I went to see the Capitano who informed me it would be 74.40 euros per night- almost twice what the almanac said! So we made the most of the water hose and washed Moonbeam and a load of washing before going for a walk to Las Arenas and the old Transporter Bridge.
 The walk along the seafront was refreshing and there is a wide prom with sections for roller bladers! The massive mansions built at the end of the 19th/early 20th century are really impressive.
Back to Moonbeam and then we moved out to anchor where we were boarded by Spanish Customs who took all our details!