David and Lynn Wilkie
Wed 15 Dec 2010 19:12
Wednesday noon position
Tuesday afternoon gave good sailing in tthe
sunshine and we made good progress under sail at last. We downloaded a weather
forecast in the evening which proved very inaccurate! We were expecting
moderate southerly head winds but we got strong SWs and while "Moonbeam"
powered along at great speed under reduced sail it was very uncomfortable for
the off watch crew so we 'heaved to' for 8 hours rather than sail off in the
wrong direction! This was much more comfortable for all but still bouncy in the
30 knot rain squalls. In the morning we tacked south until as forecast the wind
veered and we were able to head SW in the sunshine!
Now at 1900hrs we have finished dinner ( fish &
chips!) and are preparing for the night watch rota while we watch dolphins
Total miles to 1900 this evening is 560
All the best from