Land Ho!

David and Lynn Wilkie
Fri 17 Dec 2010 17:27
A glorious afternoon sailing yesterday followed by a lovely night at sea; at 2000 we put the engine on as the wind was very variable (why it is so variable miles from anywhere I do not know) and we motor sailed towards the Cape  Verdes and a beautiful sunrise when the engine was cut again and after sighting the islands we sailed under Code Zero to Mindelo on Sao Vincente where we refilled the tanks and cans. The marina is new and we were tempted to stop for a night or longer but with the hassle of dealing with immigration and offices being closed for the weekend we decided to head back out to sea.
The islands look very attractive and would appear to merit cruising as there are several sheltered anchorages and some good scenery.
So far we have logged 805 miles and have about 2100 to go to Bequia (in a straight line). The weather forecasts are for very light winds for the next couple of days so we will use our full tanks to motor SW where we hope we will meet the trade winds! The sun is hot with a cabin temperature at 1700 of 30degs C but we are not complaining.
Moonbeam Crew