37:19.29N 023:09.210E Porto Heli

Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Sun 18 Jun 2023 06:50
Friday 16th June, 2023.

We left Kiparissiou earlier than we anticipated due to the swell coming into the bay and bouncing on the shoreline around Church Cove.
The wind had increased by the time we left and as we made for the channel between Spetses and little Spetses we were doing 7 knots with both sails up. A truly lovely ride until we came into the air around the islands and our speed dropped considerably. We haven’t been through this channel before but the view of the houses on the shore line was wonderful. Beautiful houses looking towards the Peloponnese but some absolutely only holiday homes as completely closed up.
We didn’t join Clive and Tricia and pass north of the island as we were there to see Vivienne and John on the Clipper Flyer anchored off Spetses on their last day of their cruise. We waved to each other and John got a super photograph of Ariel as we went past

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We covered the 23.6 miles in about 5 hours once we had taken down the sails and anchored outside the Nautilus hotel. The water temperature a decent 24.6 degrees.

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Saturday 17th June, 2023.
A walk to the coffee and orange cake shop with Clive and Tricia before settling down to the threat of thunder and lightning. It rained off and on and the spray hood had to come up but no thunder in this area. By 7 o’clock the rain had stopped and the sun reappeared so we took baby Ariel to the shore and we walked with C&T to one of our favourite restaurants for chicken on screwers. The best in town so tender!
My rower took me back to Ariel under a starry sky!!!