37:24..426N 022:58.086E Fokianos Beach
Ariel of Hamble
Jim and Valerie SHURVELL
Thu 15 Jun 2023 06:15
We left Sampetiki after a week’s stay the longest we have stayed anywhere without weather issues.
We motored along the coast to see the famous Fokianos beach. Amazing with beds on the beach and a taverna set back but no people to be seen but for one family of five on the beach and a lady who kept appearing and disappearing on her own sun bed. You could be on the most expensive beach in the world for the beauty. The water was very deep and shelving so not good for children but so clear for swimming from Ariel. The mountains all around the beach area were just wonderful. The bay is open so when the afternoon breeze started to come into the bay we left for Kiparissiou.